11 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Kids Playing Golf

As a parent, I’ve always been on the lookout for activities that can shape my child’s growth in meaningful ways. One unexpected gem that I stumbled upon is golf.

Yes, you heard it right – golf, the sport that’s often associated with green fairways and quiet concentration.  But let me tell you, there’s so much more to it, especially when it comes to our kids.

In this blog post, I want to share my personal journey of discovering why this can be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll make. Here are 11 compelling reasons why you should consider getting your kids into this sport.

1. Physical Fitness and Health

kid plays golf

Introducing kids to golf is a fantastic way to get them outdoors and moving. Golf courses are vast, often spanning several acres, and walking the course provides a great cardiovascular workout.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Walking the course can cover several miles, which is an excellent way for kids to get their recommended daily dose of cardiovascular exercise. The act of swinging the club also engages various muscle groups, ensuring a full-body workout.

Sunlight and Vitamin D

Playing golf means spending time outdoors, which is essential for vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and immune system function. Regular exposure to sunlight while playing can help ensure that kids get enough of this vital nutrient.

2. Mental Well-being and Focus

golf Swing!

Golf is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. It teaches patience, concentration, and strategic thinking.

Patience and Perseverance

This is a game of patience. It’s not about speed but precision. Children learn the value of taking their time to line up shots and the importance of perseverance when things don’t go as planned.

Concentration and Strategy

Each hole on the course presents its unique challenges. Kids learn to assess the situation, plan their shots, and execute them with concentration. This strategic thinking can be applied in many other areas of life.

3. Social Skills and Etiquette


This is a social sport. It offers kids the opportunity to interact with others, learn the value of sportsmanship, and understand the importance of etiquette.

Making New Friends

Golf courses and clubs often host junior tournaments and training sessions. These events provide children with the opportunity to meet peers with similar interests, fostering friendships that can last a lifetime.

Learning Respect and Sportsmanship

This sport has a rich tradition of etiquette, from being silent during another player’s shot to repairing divots on the green. Kids learn the importance of respecting others and the value of good sportsmanship.

4. Skill Development and Mastery

kids playing golf

Golfing is all about skill, and like any skill, it requires practice and dedication to master. This journey of skill acquisition can be incredibly rewarding for children.

Hand-Eye Coordination

The act of striking a ball requires precise hand-eye coordination. As kids practice and play more, they’ll refine this skill, which can be beneficial in other sports and activities as well.

Understanding Angles and Distance

This sport introduces children to basic concepts of geometry and physics. They learn to judge distances, understand angles, and predict ball trajectories, enhancing their analytical skills.

5. Connection with Nature

connecting with nature

Golf courses are often set in picturesque locations, offering players a chance to connect with nature.

Appreciation of the Outdoors

Being on a course allows children to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, from the manicured greens to the trees, water bodies, and wildlife. This can foster a lifelong love for the environment.

Environmental Awareness

Many courses are designed with environmental sustainability in mind. Kids can learn about local flora and fauna, water conservation, and the importance of maintaining natural habitats.

6. Building Character and Integrity

golf training

This sport is unique in that players often call penalties on themselves. This self-regulation teaches kids valuable life lessons.

Honesty and Integrity

In golf, there’s no referee watching every move. Players are expected to be honest about their scores and any penalties. This instills a sense of integrity and honesty in young players.

Handling Pressure and Failure

Golf can be a challenging game, and not every shot will be perfect. Children learn to handle pressure, accept their mistakes, and move on, building resilience and determination.

7. Lifelong Sport and Hobby

girl playing golf

Unlike some sports that can be hard on the body, golf can be played well into old age, making it a lifelong hobby.

A Sport for All Ages

This is a low-impact sport, meaning it’s easy on the joints and muscles. Kids who pick up golf can continue to play and enjoy the game for decades.

Opportunities for Continuous Learning

The saying goes, “Golf is a game you can never master.” There’s always something new to learn, be it a technique, strategy, or mental approach, ensuring that the game remains fresh and engaging.

8. Scholarships and Career Opportunities

Golf can open doors to educational and professional opportunities that can benefit kids in the long run.

College Scholarships

Many colleges and universities offer golf scholarships. If your child becomes proficient at the game, they might have the chance to earn a scholarship, helping to offset the costs of higher education.

Professional Careers

Beyond playing professionally, the world of golf offers a myriad of career opportunities, from course management and design to coaching, sports journalism, and event organization.

9. Family Bonding Time

family bonding time

This is a sport that families can enjoy together, irrespective of age or skill level.

Quality Time Together

A round of golf provides several hours of uninterrupted time together. It’s an opportunity for families to bond, share experiences, and create lasting memories.

Encouraging Healthy Competition

Playing golf together can foster a sense of friendly competition within the family. It can be a fun way to challenge each other while also celebrating each other’s successes.

10. Personal Growth and Development


The challenges and experiences faced in the course can contribute significantly to a child’s personal growth.

Setting and Achieving Goals

Golf allows children to set personal goals, whether it’s mastering a particular shot or reducing their handicap. Achieving these goals boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Time Management and Discipline

Practicing this sport requires dedication and discipline. Kids learn the importance of managing their time effectively and balancing school, golf, and other activities.

11. Safety and Low Risk

Compared to many other sports, golf has a lower risk of injury, making it a safe option for kids.

Low Physical Contact

This is a non-contact sport, which significantly reduces the risk of injuries that can occur in more aggressive sports.

Structured Environment

Golf courses are well-maintained and regulated environments. The structured nature of the game and the emphasis on etiquette ensure a safe and respectful atmosphere for children.


Can golf help boost kids’ confidence?

Yes, as children improve their skills through practice and perseverance, their confidence grows.

Is it an expensive sport for children to pursue?

While there can be costs associated with equipment and lessons, many courses offer affordable options for young players.

Can golf help shy kids improve their social skills?

Yes, playing in groups encourages interaction, helping shy children become more comfortable in social settings.

Is it a mentally challenging activity?

Yes, this sport requires strategic thinking, problem-solving, and managing emotions, making it mentally stimulating.

How does it teach kids to handle pressure?

Golf exposes children to pressure situations, such as critical shots, helping them develop composure and focus under stress.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, introducing your children to golf can offer them a wealth of benefits, both immediate and long-term.

From physical fitness and mental well-being to skill development and character building, this is more than just a sport; it’s an enriching experience that can shape your child’s future in myriad positive ways.

So, the next time you’re considering activities for your kids, think beyond the usual options and give golf a shot!